truely nonsense

Sep 20, 2004

i'm back

i have a comment to start things off on a good night.

Why did the cocaptain cross the road?

to pick up his jock.

this will be the last time i mention this crap.

the captain is right, i need to get a life. because to keep wasting my life on him is truly a waste.

i suggest we all do the same and as his plays go, he will fade away.

Sep 20, 2004
Aloha Truly....

I am glad that you finally realize that our battles are with the Man and not eachother....I thought that we were over this, as we agreed to the childishness between us in the CBB forum...Yet, you only come back to start crap with me for no reason again....Well, I dont have anything against you or anyone here, as it benefits me in no way, and I dont control anyone...but it is entertaining sometimes seeing how others show their weakness and insecurities...

Anyway, I hope you now can earn the respect you feel you deserve based on your own merits and accomplishments, instead of turning to worthless bashing...As you can see, that method doesn't work at all....You only bring down yourself when you Bash another....People are not so dumb to believe someone who lets himself be so concerned about what another does....It just shows you lack confidence and your jealousy....People dont follow people who lack confidence and who are insecure with themselves...

As for my plays and me fading away goes...Well, I have been here a lot longer than the approx 6 months you have been here, so again, what you state really has no merit or grounds to stand on....I have been here already for a while and you have yet to make it past a full year....We shall see who is the one that will fade away...but if I am not here as often, others know where I post as well...

Lastly, and not bashing you, but that so called joke about me, was a little weak...Seriously!(go to Fair Warnings thread about you, and read what unochamps wrote)

Well, only time will tell if you can and will be able to stick to beating the Man, instead of trying to beat me....I hope you have the strength to keep your battles only with him and accept yourself for who you are, and I wish you luck in doing that.....Best of luck in all your endeavours and plays.....Aloha CC.
Sep 20, 2004
that's truely, with an E.

and you are right cocaptain, merit badges and stuff like that?

when you GET up over 400 some units then i guess you will have a merit badge also.


PS And if you need me to explain the joke i will. (but i think you get it)

not such a big shot anymore since your in the rubber room. keep it up and will have a permanent address here.

a good gambler knows when someone is chasing.

guess what little friend, you're chasing.
and we all know it.
Sep 20, 2004
you know what cc

really whether it is the rubber room or the other forums just stay out of my thread, and all your bs advice and quotes of bs knowledge.

go get your degree in philosophy and leave the capping to professionals.

and all we really want here is for you to admitt that you suck, apologize for losing anyone money with all your marketing tactics, and spend more time getting better at handicapping. that is all we want.

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by truelyhandicapping:
that's truely, with an _E._

and you are right cocaptain, merit badges and stuff like that?

when you GET up over 400 some units then i guess you will have a merit badge also.


PS And if you need me to explain the joke i will. (but i think you get it)

not such a big shot anymore since your in the rubber room. keep it up and will have a permanent address here.

a good gambler knows when someone is chasing.

guess what little friend, you're chasing.
and we all know it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well Truely....Happy now, I have to force myself to spell a word wrong...LOL

Anyways, like I am stated, you dont know anyone here so your assumptions of what one is doing is simply that an ASSUMPTION...and we all know what that is like right...

So if you want to claim to be a so called good capper and feel the need to say things like someone is not a good capper or as good as you, which btw, does nothing for you one way or another...accept maybe help you to feel more secure in yourself, then so be it....If you need to put others down and say negative things about them in order to feel good about yourself, then so be it....

I hope later in life you will learn that until you accept yourself and live your life on your own merits and accomplishment, you will never find happiness and will always be living a lie....Good luck with dealing with this I wish you luck....Aloha Cc.

Marriage - the first 35 years are the hardest
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I hope later in life you will learn that until you accept yourself and live your life on your own merits and accomplishment. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Your like a short guy in platforms desparatly trying to look tall. My god your life must suck for the amount of times your bring up others having sucky lives. Just keep writing LOL, LOL and telling people you don't care about the bashers. BTW, I was thinking of starting to post picks. Any advice on the process? You know, what works, what doesn't?

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by truelyhandicapping:
you know what cc

really whether it is the rubber room or the other forums just stay out of my thread, and all your bs advice and quotes of bs knowledge.

go get your degree in philosophy and leave the capping to professionals.

and all we really want here is for you to admitt that you suck, apologize for losing anyone money with all your marketing tactics, and spend more time getting better at handicapping. that is all we want.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Truely, first off my friend...I dont come into your threads....I think it was you who came into my threads and thats why you got suspended, Right....Ok, so please do not be like TN trying to come across as the innocent one here....Hey, you came in, tried to take me on, and you failed...Hey I accepted your mistakes, and even offered to go in peace, which I thought you accepted, but you came back again to bash me...What a waste of energy, time, and your life....Do I have that much control over you enjoying and living your life....You really make it seem so, with all your threads and posting your shit about me all the time....I am sorry if you cant accept the fact that I am respected by a lot of viewers here, not he cappers or the other worthless posters here who dont provide shit, but negativity...

As far as leaving the capping to the professionals....So are you saying your a Professional and I am not...Ok, if you need to believe this about yourself and about me, then so be...I realize that some people simply need these kinds of false beliefs in order to go on and function in life, so believe what you need to believe...

You say that WE all need for me to Apologize to you and admit that I suck....Why?...and For what reasons would you need someone, who owes nothing to you or anyone, and who didnt force you in any way to follow him, would you NEED this, huh....Again, if you need this in order for you to feel good about yourself and give you confidence, well, I am sorry but I dont feel that your request is one which is your right to demand and also my responsibility to give to you in order for you to feel better...You need to stand up an be a Man and stop asking for others to help you out with your confidence...Dig deep within yourself and find acceptance and love for who you are, and then when you are able to achieve this, the lack of confidence and insecurities with yourself should disappear...

I use no marketing tactics as you so claim I do...The way I talk and post is my personality....I like to promote the POSITIVE, and there is no good promoting NEGATIVE thoughts....For What.....Positive thoughts is all that should be communicated and posted...and positive thoughts is simply Positive thoughts and nothing else....They also reflect someones confidence in what he is doing as well...If you are getting confused between Positive Words and Thoughts, and Marketing tactics, then you really need to stop being so Negative...

Negativity will kill you in many ways...Thoughts are things, and everything starts with you and how you think....Which, is the only thing in life you control...The way you THINK...So Truely, if you change the way you Think, maybe it might help you with seeing the Positive thoughts in my posts, instead of the so called Marketing tactics which seems to be to strong for you to get past....

You say WE all want me to get better at handicapping...LOL...Ok who are WE first?...and Second, why is it so important for you or the WE, for me to change anything I do....If you didnt know by now, I dont live my life to please anyone but myself, my family, and my friends....That is it...I do my best and if my best is not good enough for others, who I dont know, then that is simply something that they will need to overcome themselves...I am not here to win a popularity contest, get into a war with anyone, get into negative bs with anyone, or try to please and change for anyone....I live my life how I see fit, eveyone else just needs to decide whether or not they can accept it or not....If you can they great lets have a great relationship....If you cant, then so be it...You go your way and I will go mine...

So Truly, like I mentioned, your the one who couldn't stay away from me...I mean, you come back after your suspension and the first thing you do is make a thread to attack me again....C'mon man, you really need to Grow Up.....But, Truely, if you try to control this need to always hound and spread shit about me, then we should have no problem with eachother.....The rest, dealing with you and your need to feel secure and confident in yourself, is simply something that you will have to work on your own...I wont play your game, for your needs, by putting myself down, in order for you to feel secure in yourself, by saying that I suck and blah blah blah...We all know that I dont suck, just because a down streak in the bases....and we all know that people respect my capping abilities especially in FB and CBB...and that my friend no one can deny me, even myself....So sorry, no dice on that one....But, I still wish you the best of Luck in accomplishing and overcoming your demons my friend... Only trying to help you out.....GL and Aloha CC.

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WillWalk:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I hope later in life you will learn that until you accept yourself and live your life on your own merits and accomplishment. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Your like a short guy in platforms desparatly trying to look tall. My god your life must suck for the amount of times your bring up others having sucky lives. Just keep writing LOL, LOL and telling people you don't care about the bashers. BTW, I was thinking of starting to post picks. Any advice on the process? You know, what works, what doesn't?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I never tell anyone that their lives suck...They clearly display this with their worthless bashing...Whats wrong with LOL...they are an expression of how I am feeling at the moment that I need to respond to some funny ass shit....Are you assuming I was faking it...Is this something you do, so you feel that others do it as well?...I dont need to hide how I am really feeling for what, this the internet and you are meaningless to me...Why would I have to make up an LOL...and have it represent something that is not...Just doesnt make any sense to do, dont you agree?

If you are thinking of starting to post your plays, go for it....No need to ask for my opinions...I am sure if you feel that you are capable and have the guts to put your plays out their for the world to see, that you already know what and how you should do it...So step up my friend and just do be talking if you have no intention of walkin, you know what I mean...Lets see if you do....I await your plays.....Good luck to you....and Aloha CC.

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by truelyhandicapping:
do you actually expect me to read all that.


Well, if you dont like to hear the truth, then I expect you to be avoiding it....But, you always stated that you like to read it like the comics while you have a late night beverage of some sort, right...What changed?
Sep 20, 2004
the comics got old.

just read the wall street and usa today now.

hope that answers it.

i don't avoid anything, i just choose my battles better.

Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by truelyhandicapping:

i don't avoid anything, i just choose my battles better.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

*Ok then answer these for us, as you seem to always avoid issues concerning these topics...

Where are your Alias?

When are you going to go TOUT, like you stated you are?

How come you dont post your entire records, like everyone here is so badly need to see?...

I got more but these will do for now...Thanks CC.
Sep 20, 2004
my alias is gracie lou.

and she is taking a nap right now.

ask the general what my password is. because i forgot.

going tout in probably 2 or 3 years. still have much research and data to go over and perfect.

i don't post my entire record because i am lazy and un organized.

if the general would be my bitch too he can start a thread for me posting my record. i would love it. less work for me. but everyone here knows i win so what would be the point.

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